Acoustic Wave Therapy

Never Underestimate the Power of Sound*

Soundwave therapy (aka acoustic wave therapy) induces profound relaxation which facilitates the healing process.  Just as when we sleep, our bodies begin to heal.  

Soundwave therapy may also improve feelings of sadness, loneliness and despair, and may provide constructive insights around emotional conflict, by way of regulating the central nervous system.  When our nervous system (NS) is balanced between the sympathetic and parasympathetic system, our bodies are better equipped to respond appropriately to situations, leading to better physical and mental health, faster recovery and deeper sleep.

A single 60-minute treatment delivers an average of:

15.7% improvement arterial elasticity

(Lower Blood Pressure, Oxygen Utilization, Overall Cardiovascular Health)

47.7% decrease in pain perception

4.7% improvement heart rate variability

(Nearly 1-month chiropractic interventions)

6.5% improvement ECW/TBW ratio

(Inflammation and lymphatic health)

4.2% improvement in cellular health

(1-3 months of exercise and nutrition)

“Sound therapy is one of the prototypical vibrational healing modalities.  Sound produces measurable vibratory feelings throughout the body, depending upon the ‘frequency’ and amplitude of the sound used.  There have been a wide variety of sound healing developments over the last 10-20 years.  Certain sounds most likely have a healing influence upon the body because they influence the geometric patterns and organization of cells and living systems.” 

— *Dr. Richard Gerber-Vibrational Medicine

Wave therapy is an innovative non-invasive sound device that emits low-frequency (630-640 hz) acoustic pressure waves to:

  • Regulate the central nervous system

  • Improve circulation.

  • Reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Stimulate the mitochondria–(powerhouse of the cells for stronger cell health)

  • Strengthen the lymphatic system by removing fluid from tissues

  • Relaxed muscle tension

Sound wave therapy treatments are completely safe, non-invasive & drug-free

Simply sit back and relax in a comfortable chair for 60 minutes. You have the option to wear noise-canceling headphones. There are no known adverse auditorial effects with this long-lasting treatment.

This therapeutic procedure is not known to interfere with any known pacemaker, pain-pump or other implanted or electrical devices. Safe for animals too!

New clients must arrive 10 minutes before scheduled session time

What People Are Saying

“I January of 2020 I was diagnosed with Cramp-fasciculation syndrome. (CFS) is a rare condition of the muscles characterized by persistent muscle cramping and twitching (fasciculations). Misdiagnosed by 3 doctors as well as a never before seen condition by 2 neurologists here in Southern Oregon. After a 2 year battle involving numerous tests and great expense, doctors at OHSU were able to pin point my condition. Being a syndrome as it is, there's no known cause and no known cure. The symptoms are both physically and mentally debilitating to say the least. Modern medicines of various types have offered little to no improvement, leaving me at a point where I'll give anything and everything a shot. The very first treatment opened my eyes to the real possibility of finally finding relief. 10 sessions later I've seen remarkable improvement! While I still have symptoms here and there, the progress made has literately given me my life back!”

— Aaron Pardee

“I am skeptical by nature and approached my first treatment with no expectations.  I was frankly shocked by the immediate results! I had been experiencing chronic pain in my lower back due to advanced arthritis, severe central canal stenosis and inflammation, for over 18 months.  This pain literally disappeared for the following 3 months!  I just got my second treatment. I’m now a believer!”

— CL

“Kirra, I’ll try to keep this short, but as soon as I walked outside from my appointment yesterday, I felt a spring in my step. I spent the evening with friends and kept saying how good I felt. I was so joyful and would’ve been dancing around if I was home, but instead I laughed a lot. For the first time in over a year, I felt like myself.  I slept well and my nerves were milder. This evening I went to my monthly sound bath and D told me afterword she saw my solar plexus open up like a volcano and my power has come back into me. It was quite an experience and I think that was able to happen because of my appointment with you.””

— CK

“My treatments are deeply relaxing, meditative experiences that lead to on-going calm, alert focus.  My well-being has been enhanced by the deep state of relaxation I’ve experienced with these treatments. Less stress. As a licensed healthcare professional in Oregon for 30 years, I’m often skeptical of new ‘technologies.’  Well….skeptic no more.  My well-being benefits greatly from the treatment.  I am happy to recommend them to clients, family and friends.  I heavily researched several modalities before I made my decision to try this machine.  I went for a mild shoulder and thumb chronic issue and ended up after 3 visits with other rewards!  Besides my thumb and shoulder being better, my front root canal tooth suddenly stopped feeling inflamed and problematic. I stopped snoring (yes you heard right) and my sinus allergy issue was much better.  I have noticed overall improvement in body mobility and wellness.  I plan on making this modality a part of my preventive program!”

— LY

Why is nervous system regulation so important?

NS regulation is a cascade of physiological responses our NS makes to increase states of calmness and reduce heightened states of arousal during times of distress. Symptoms of a dysregulated state can be emotional as well as physical, including chronic pain, migraines, difficulty concentrating, indigestion, anxiety and a slew of so much more!  The impact of stress on our NS comes with an array of symptoms leading to health conditions. 

The importance of keeping the NS balanced and regulated is absolutely crucial for long term quality living, and literally influences every aspect of daily life. There are many ways of practice to maintain a healthy balanced NS from proper sleep, mindfulness meditation, exercise and nutritional plant based foods.  Sound wave therapy is an excellent treatment for effectively regulating the central NS.

Treatable Diseases & Conditions that Respond to Wave Therapy

  • Accelerated recovery (surgery/injuries)

  • Anxiety

  • Arthritis (juvenile/osteo/rheumatoid)

  • Asthma

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Bruising

  • Bursitis

  • Carpal tunnel

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Diabetic ulcers

  • Drop foot

  • Edema

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches (cluster/migraine)

  • Headaches (cluster/migraine)

  • Improved range of motion

  • Lupus

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Neuropathy

  • Numbness

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Peripheral/Vascular disease

  • Poor circulation

  • PTSD

  • Sciatica

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Sports injuries

  • Tendinitis

  • Vasculitis

  • Pregnancy is the only contraindication, see the footer for more information

Possible Athletic Benefits

  • Improved Endurance

  • Improved Speed

  • Higher Concentration

  • Max Power Output

  • Improved Cellular Health

  • Improved Circulation

  • Improved Recovery


Each Treatment is 60 Minutes
Session Times by Appointment Only

First Treatment - $25
Single Treatment - $40

Currently booking for Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mondays by appointment only-please call.